How to start
Get more patients
to your clinic
from maps and review sites. Due to good and live reviews.
Works with
negative reviews
clinic rating
Increases the flow
of patients to the clinic
Get more patients to your clinic
from maps and review sites. Due to good and live reviews.

Increases the flow of patients to the clinic

Increases clinic rating

Works with negative reviews
Take 1st place on the maps in your area!

And forget about negative reviews once and for all!
Automatically collects feedback from patients

Sends good reviews to maps and ratings
Forms a rating of doctors through the eyes of a patient
Motivates the patient to give feedback
Interacts constructively with negative feedback
Allows you to manage the quality of service
Allows you to manage the quality of service

Forms a rating of doctors through the eyes of a patient

Interacts constructively with negative feedback

Sends good reviews to maps and ratings

Motivates the patient to give feedback

Automatically collects feedback from patients

And forget about negative reviews once and for all!

Take 1st place
on the maps in your area!
How do reviews
affect appointments?
84% of patients trust online reviews

49% of patients read reviews before making an appointment to a clinic

15% of patients ignore reviews that are more than three months old

How do reviews affect appointments?

84% of patients trust online reviews

49% of patients read reviews
before making an appointment
to a clinic
15% of patients ignore reviews that are more than three months old

Bad reviews on popular sites reduce the effectiveness of advertising by 30-65%.

Bad reviews on popular sites reduce the effectiveness of advertising by 30-65%.

Patient visited the clinic
Reviews without CareHub
Reviews with CareHub
Patient visited the clinic
Leaves no feedback, minds his own business
Positive feedback goes online and attracts new patients
Writes a negative review on the Internet, which you can no longer do anything with
The conflict is resolved within the clinic
Liked it
Liked it
Did not like it
Did not like it
Receives a message from CareHub
CareHub encourages feedback
CareHub offers to complain to the manager

CareHub offers to complain to the manager

CareHub encourages feedback

Receives a message from CareHub
Reviews with CareHub
Reviews without CareHub
The conflict is resolved within the clinic

Writes a negative review on the Internet, which you can no longer do anything with

Did not like it
Did not like it
Positive feedback goes online and attracts new patients

Leaves no feedback, minds his own business

Liked it
Liked it
Patient visited the clinic
Patient visited the clinic
How CareHub works
Automatically polls patients
Works with negative reviews
Forms a rating of doctors based on patient reviews
Generates daily statistics
Personalization for your clinic
After the appointment, patients receive a message on behalf of the doctor asking them to evaluate the appointment and leave a review without signing up and entering data about them.

Only loyal patients are offered to leave a review on third-party sites. Negative feedback is visible only by you.
The system works with negative reviews so that you have the opportunity to quickly respond to them. Eventually this will significantly reduce the number of negative reviews online.
Each patient evaluates the appointment, the system sees which doctor they admitted, and compiles a report. By informing doctors about their performance, their motivation and involvement increases.

All the necessary information about the clinic's performance for a certain period is available on your phone. Now you can see and evaluate the dynamics of all indicators.

The feedback form is branded with the logo of your clinic. This increases the trust and loyalty of patients.

Personalization for your clinic

Generates daily statistics

Forms a rating of doctors based on patient reviews

Works with negative reviews

Automatically polls patients

The feedback form is branded with the logo of your clinic. This increases the trust and loyalty of patients.
All the necessary information about the clinic's performance for a certain period is available on your phone. Now you can see and evaluate the dynamics of all indicators.

Each patient evaluates the appointment, the system sees which doctor they admitted, and compiles a report. By informing doctors about their performance, their motivation and involvement increases.

The system works with negative reviews so that you have the opportunity to quickly respond to them. Eventually this will significantly reduce the number of negative reviews online.

After the appointment, patients receive a message on behalf of the doctor asking them to evaluate the appointment and leave a review without signing up and entering data about them.
Only loyal patients are offered to leave a review on third-party sites. Negative feedback is visible only by you
How CareHub works

Convenient personal account
Manage the reputation of the clinic in a few clicks
Detailed statistics on the clinic and doctors

Viewing feedback from patients

Ability to fine-tune scripts

Patients' scores Information

Manage the reputation of the clinic in a few clicks

Convenient personal account
Patients' scores Information

Viewing feedback from patients

Ability to fine-tune scripts

Detailed statistics on the clinic and doctors

How to start using the service
Leave a request
Open messenger
Answer 5 questions
Start enjoying
Шаг 4
Шаг 3
Шаг 2
Шаг 1
How to start using the service

Start enjoying
Answer 5 questions
Open messenger
Leave a request
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Our service is absolutely free for the first six months of use.
We will then charge for the service at a cost of no more than
a couple of hamburgers per month
Our service is absolutely free for the first
six months of use. We will then charge
for the service at a cost of no more than
a couple of hamburgers per month
8 The Green
Ste 300
Dover, DE 19901
+1 (302) 219-3747
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Our contacts
Privacy Policy
8 The Green
Ste 300
Dover, DE 19901
+1 (302) 219-3747
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